Infant Colic

Colic is the term used when your otherwise healthy baby cries excessively and can’t be soothed. All babies cry, of course. But crying is excessive if it totals three hours a day or more, and happens more than three days a week for at least three weeks. Although colic in babies is common in infants it is poorly […]

Feeding Your Infant

Feeding Your Infant Four to Six Months Old Your baby will be ready to start to eat solid food at about four to six months of age. You can prepare this yourself. There are good reasons for starting your child on solids at this age – Baby may still be hungry after a milk feed; […]

Common Baby Problems

Eczema can quite often occur in babies up to about 4 months of age. It is usually milder than the type that occurs in adults. Your baby’s cheeks become rough and scaly and this can also occur in your child’s eyebrows and hair (cradle cap). For general information about the condition, please also see our […]

Pregnancy Problems

These are some of the things that you can expect during your pregnancy. What to look for Your pregnancy is divided into three sections or trimesters: from the start of your last period to week 14; weeks 14 – 28; and week 28 to birth. You can expect some or all of these conditions in […]

The Birth

The Birth You will know when you are about to give birth because both you and your body will display some warning signs such as… an urge to clean up the house in readiness for the arrival of the baby. you may feel energetic and unsettled – wanting to keep on the move. you may […]

Week by Week Changes

Week by Week Changes When you become pregnant you experience many incredible changes over your pregnancy. Here we look at week by week changes you will experience…And developments in your womb Week 1: Development of the Zygote Day 1. During sexual intercourse Approx 300-500 million sperm are deposited in the female genital tract … But […]

Your Pregnancy

The First Signs Changes during Your Pregnancy What To Eat during Your Pregnancy What To Avoid during Your Pregnancy Week by Week Changes What about Sex   The First Signs A missed period – The first and most obvious sign that you may be pregnant is a missed period. This however may be caused by […]


Miscarriage Quite a high percentage of early pregnancies miscarry. It can occur when you do not realize it – you may think your period was abnormally heavy. This is often nature’s way of rejecting an embryo that is abnormal or malformed. Miscarriages are often known as spontaneous abortions and people in medical occupations often use […]


Infertility Infertility unfortunately can affect many couples trying to conceive a baby. It is the inability to conceive a child after a year or more of sexual intercourse without contraception. What to look for If after a period of unprotected intercourse, the couple cannot conceive, this is infertility. It can be because of either partner […]

Pregnancy Due Date

Pregnancy Due Date This calculator calculate the approximate due date for your baby! If you’d like to calculate the due date, select the first day of your last menstrual period and click ‘calculate’ and we’ll predict the due date of your baby, along with the estimated date of conception. Required Data Select the first day […]