Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration What to look for dim or distorted vision, especially while reading. gradual, painless loss of precise central vision. blank spots in your central field of vision; straight lines that appear wavy. Because the symptoms usually do not appear in people under 55 years of age, the disorder is often referred to as age-related […]

Kidney Infections

Kidney Infections Occurs when bacteria or other infectious organisms enter the kidneys and cause infection. What to look for continuous pain that usually begins in the back above the waist and spreads down into the groin. rapidly rising fever frequent urge to urinate, even though the bladder is empty. cloudy or bloody urine. severe nausea […]


Incontinence Is the inability to control the passing of urine. What to look for inability to control urination. The condition often reflects an underlying disorder and is usually treatable, even in the elderly. Often it was thought that it was a age related condition and inevitable result of getting older. It must be treated however, […]


Heartburn Heartburn is a burning sensation experienced under your breastbone after you’ve eaten something that may not have agreed with you. What to look for a burning feeling in the chest just behind the breastbone (the sternum) that occurs after eating and lasts a few minutes to several hours. chest pain, especially after bending over […]

Heart Disease

Heart Disease What to look for tight, suffocating chest pain, often associated with angina and heart attack. sensations of fluttering, thumping, pounding, or racing of the heart, known as palpitations. shortness of breath. fluid retention in the legs, ankles, abdomen, lungs, or heart. light headedness, weakness, dizziness, or fainting spells. Please be aware that sometimes […]

Heart Attack

Heart Attack A Heart Attack happens when something has blocked the flow of blood into your heart, and a part of your heart has died. What to look for a dull or heavy pain in the centre of the chest breathlessness, dizziness, nausea, chills, sweating, weak pulse. cold and clammy skin, grey pallor, a severe […]


Gallstones Gallstones are hard, round lumps of solid material usually composed of either cholesterol or bile. What to look for severe pain indigestion. fever. severe nausea and vomiting. jaundice. Gallstones develop in the gall bladder (a small, organ that stores bile which a digestive juice produced by the liver. The stones may be as small […]


Emphysema A Serious lung disease where the alveoli and the narrow passages leading to these air sacs become permanently swollen with air. What to look for Typical symptoms of emphysema include: breathlessness, worsening over the years. a chronic, mild cough, sometimes accompanied by a small amount of phlegm brought on by the slightest exertion. chewing […]


Diabetes Diabetes is a condition where there is an abnormally high level of sugar in the blood. What to look for The symptoms vary depending on which type of diabetes is the cause: excessive thirst and appetite. increased urination both in the frequency and amount passed. weight loss. fatigue. nausea, perhaps vomiting. blurred vision. in […]


Dermatitis Dermatitis is a red and itching inflammation of the skin What to look for Contact dermatitis (an allergic reaction) A red rash that is restricted to the area of skin exposed to an irritant. Nummular dermatitis Red, itchy, circular lots of weeping, scaly, or encrusted skin, common in older people who have dry skin […]