Celery Seed

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Celery Seed


Celery seeds are very helpful for people suffering from an over supply of uric acid. Celery has large amounts of potassium and organic sodium that help to rid the body of waste material by stimulating various sites such as the skin, bowels and kidneys. It re-balances the acid/alkaline in the system and may help prevent certain cancers.

How It May Benefit You…

  • helps lower blood pressure
  • rids the body of uric acid – therefore helps the following:-
  • rheumatism
  • sciatica
  • gout
  • flatulence
  • fluid retention
  • helps with skin problems – eczema
  • nerve troubles.


Do not have too much at once.

WARNING: Herbs should only be used under the supervision of an experienced herbalist or naturopath experienced in herbs.


Celery compilations are available.The real vegetable can be made into a juice for beneficial treatment of certain ailments. It can be made into a tea, using dried celery seeds.